Mutiny in the County
Hey baby, how's it going? Hopefully better than here. I mean, it started off alright but then everything degenerated. My parents are so not cool. Pennsylvania. So not what I wanted with this summer. I can't wait for college. A place where I can be somebody new. You know, just a new start. I really can't handle these double shifts, cleaning up tents. Colorful fucking tents. I mean I hate the traveling circus and you know what, it's all because of the fact that I have to try to meet new people all the time. Seriously, I am not trying to sound like a dick, but it's hard having to always make an impression on everyone. Moving around like a fucking Jedi except without a light saber. Anyway, I miss you, baby. As soon as I get to school and get settled in I'll take a road trip and come visit you. And oh by the way, you want to know why I am so full of negative energy, here is a picture we took over the summer. My parents really are overly concerned about their appearance. Enjoy. Good times. I love you.